Sunday, February 27, 2011

THE Paper

- THE Paper I have been dreading for 4 years
- THE Paper that must be 40-50 pages
- THE Paper that I briefly thought was just a cruel joke made up to scare freshmen communication majors
- THE Paper that will consume the next 23 days and nights of my life
- THE Paper that has finally arrived

And so it begins...


Sunday, February 20, 2011


Why don't I post on here more often? Probably because I feel like my posts should have some depth . . . and depth takes some serious thought and serious thought is something to be avoided when I'm feeling lazy . . . which is far too often.

I think I should do 3 things:
1) Not be lazy
2) Not take this so seriously
3) Do what I want

So yeah, I need to force myself to act, but also be able to screw around and not put boxes around myself. Totally reflective of my life. Well, I think I've got #1 down right now and I'll get #2 and #3 accomplished with this:

Because he's awesome and I want to be him. Actually, I am him. I am Peter Pan.
So excellent. The best. Pan.